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About Us

MoneySavers has arrived to end with those never-ending sessions searching for the perfect financial service. Whether you’re looking for a home loan, a personal loan, online banking, or pet insurance, we got you covered. Our team of professional financiers is committed to providing a quick and efficient service for everyone — while also taking into account your personal needs and demands.

Our inspiration for creating MoneySavers is simple — to never have to go through the overwhelming process of choosing a financial service ever again. We wanted to unify every service that a person could be looking for, including loans, insurance, and banking. Plus, we offer professional advice on how and when to invest your money — and, more importantly, where to do it.

While our team is not the biggest, we are fully committed to our mission of providing safe financial services for everyone. Our biggest source of pride is the complete lack of regret of our customers — not one of them has come back to ask to undo their decision. We believe that this has got to do exclusively with our patience, as we make sure to thoroughly explain each possible outcome to everyone.

How We Earn

Analyzing, researching, and scouting the financial market every day is extensive and very tiring work. We're always on the lookout for new opportunities that could benefit our clients, such as investment prospects or impossible-to-miss loans. As you can imagine, this takes a great toll on our team, which is dedicated to only getting the top information.

We pride ourselves in rewarding everyone with a fair salary, which we understand has to come from a transparent source. We can provide a fair wage to our whole team through commissions and advertising compensation, which keeps us going even through hard times.

However, don't worry — this isn't like a bank, where you're forced to pay invisible commissions and surprise fees. . When you click on brand partner's links and make a purchase, we're able to earn money which we use to keep the site running for free.

Our Experts

Becky Baird

Becky Baird


Becky is a long-time critic of how the current banking system works in the US. After several years of working as a financial advisor at one of the top companies in the country, she decided to take matters into her own hands and found MoneySavers. Since then, Becky has been able to improve the lives of thousands of Americans by simplifying their financial needs — and providing trustable loans and insurance.

Daryl Piper

Daryl Piper

Finance Advisor

Daryl is known for his great understanding of what undermines the current banking system — the lack of personalized attention for each client. Since joining MoneySavers, he has been able to take his time to understand our clients' personal situations, providing them with the best solution in every case.

Craig Bowden

Craig Bowden

Market Analyst / Accountant

Craig is what most people would describe as a know-it-all — his understanding of finances is, quite frankly, astounding. Having had years of experience both as an analyst and as an accountant, he recently joined MoneySavers as a way to free himself from the corporate way of life. If you’re looking for accurate and fire-proof advice, Craig is your man.

Luna Weaver

Luna Weaver

Content Manager

Here at MoneySavers, we firmly believe that financial knowledge should be free and widespread for everyone. That’s why we have decided to bring Luna on board, allowing us to create engaging content that informs people of the usual financial traps one faces in everyday life. Also, she is absolutely crazy for cats — which is always a plus for us.